The cycle of our vineyard in Mallorca - Can Vidalet

The cycle of our vineyard in Mallorca


Finally, the time has come to taste the wine of the last vintage. It is the result of a whole year of dedication in our vineyard in Mallorca and its cellar. The nose and the palate of the wine tells us about the soil where it has grown, of the vine that we have taken care of, of the winery that accompanies the wine, of our efforts, of the rains, of the wind, of the sunlight, of the cold nights… The vineyard of Can Vidalet shows us its constant changes, provoking attractive landscapes, at any time of the year with its different shades of colour.

At the beginning of the year and with the cold, the vine is immersed in a sweet dream from which it will be awakened painfully. Before awakening the team must prune. The vine is hibernating, and its pruning provides the basis for the vine, to grow and produce grapes of the highest quality at Can Vidalet.


Spring brings our vineyards in Mallorca to life

The arrival of spring is the time of awakening in nature. Daylight hours lengthen and provoke the weeping of the vines in the vineyard in Mallorca, where they are awoken by the sunlight and abandon their sweet dreams. Tears fall from their arms indicating that they are awake, reactivating this way their vital mechanisms. The temperatures of the soil reach 10 degrees, which makes the sap, being in a state of lethargy, begin to circulate. The plant is going from a period of rest to one of activity. Thanks to this process, the vines have the capacity to recover from the cold winter, absorbing water and minerals from the soil, involving the reserves of the plant itself. The circulation activates the vines again and prepares them for sprouting. In the course of spring when sprouting happens the future branch will emerge from a bud. The grape vine shoots comprise of branches including grapes, leaves and twines.

In the months of April and May is the stage of growth, which shows in the beauty of the vineyard in Mallorca, as it is the time of flowering. The tiny white flowers open and will be pollinated by insects or by the wind itself. Once fertilized, they start to produce grapes. The fertilization reaches its success with the formed fruit set. The grapes are pea-sized and with the early veraison they start to change colour.


Our vineyard in Mallorca shines and blooms during summer

Our vineyard in Pollensa is in its maximum splendor of leaves. This is the time when our unstoppable team will start the leaf stripping, which consists of removing some of the leaves to prevent a too moist ambience for the plant. The climate of the vineyard is important – in our case we have a lot of humidity in Mallorca. By stripping some leaves, we ease impact on the vine and allow sunbeams and sea breeze to caress it. With the arrival of summer and even more hours of sunshine the ripening starts at our winery in Mallorca, beginning from greenish tones turning into garnet and violet colours in red grapes, and with golden – yellow tones in white grapes.


Summer: harvesting time at our vineyard in Mallorca

Depending on the climate, flowering and many more factors, the winemaker decides when to begin with the harvest by checking the stage of maturity in the grapes. The harvest is a reason for celebration because it indicates the collection of the grapes and indicates the end of the seasonal cycle of the vineyard. The grapes are picked by hand, deposited in boxes of 15 kilos and transported to our winery in Mallorca. Here they are put on to the selection table, where the entire team of Can Vidalet selects the grapes again before they go into the stemmer via the conveyor belt and from there into the press, where they are processed into grape juice or must. In the cellar, the grapes are treated in different ways according their varieties. When one of our Mallorcan wines enters the mouth, it expresses all the seasons of our vineyard at Can Vidalet and whispers to us how it has been caressed in the cellar. Showing maximum expression in its 3 senses: vision, smell and taste.