The benefits of wine. - Can Vidalet

The benefits of wine.


The most important dates of the year are just around the corner. And along with them, the meetings with our people. This year they arrive with an extraordinary feeling of nostalgia for what will be an unusual holiday. Be that as it may, we will be accompanied in one way or another by those we love the most.

From Can Vidalet, we want to accompany you in the celebrations, meetings, video calls, lunches and dinners that you make. That’s why we want to highlight the benefits of moderate wine consumption. And especially if you are surrounded by your own.
Who has never heard that drinking a glass of red wine every day is good for your health?
And that’s right, but let’s see exactly why it is. And why red wine is always mentioned.

This statement is given by the components that are part of the wine. Wine is a source of antioxidants and tannins, among other properties. These chemical compounds are mainly present in fermented wines with their skins (grape skins). As it is fermented with the whole grape for longer, this type of wine contains those substances more considerably present in the skin, pips and stems. These wines can be rosé and white as well. For example in our case, one of the healthiest wines we have is Barros de Cecili, a white wine fermented with its skins. Therefore, no matter what kind it is, to a greater or lesser extent, the wine always has the benefits that we explain below.

Components of the wine.

Let’s start by getting to know its essential components.

Antioxidants are chemical compounds that we use to eradicate free radicals (substances that introduce oxygen into the cells, alter the DNA and accelerate the aging of the body).

The tannins stand out, as they enhance the flavour and bitterness of the wine. They are also a compound with astringent and anti-inflammatory properties, offering an antiseptic action against bacteria.

Positive factors for health.

Bearing in mind these properties, we can say that moderate wine consumption has the following benefits:

– It delays ageing, preventing the oxidation of cells. – It reduces the risk of suffering from heart diseases.
– It helps the intestinal and renal process, avoiding kidney stones and discomfort.
– It is anticoagulant, fighting hypertension and improving blood circulation.
– It helps to fight diabetes and cholesterol.

From Can Vidalet, we invite you to try our products this holiday season. And we take the opportunity to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Finally, we would like to inform you that you can find an exclusive promotion while stocks last at the following link: Buy 12 bottles and get 12 free!
