Our winery in Mallorca in the New York Salón Selección | Can Vidalet

Our winery in Mallorca in the Salón Selección in New York


There are times when it’s worth leaving our little paradise known as Mallorca and heading out on an adventure across the pond. Can Vidalet, our winery in Mallorca, on the 21st of May had the pleasure of taking part in the Salón Selección in New York. This year was the eleventh edition for this prestigious event organised by the Guía Peñín on an international level.

The show was held in the City Winery NYC, a regular meeting point for New Yorkers and producers. This space is specifically aimed at importers, distributors, buyers, restauranteurs, sommeliers, specialised shops, supermarkets, prescribers as well as general and specialised press.

During the 5 hour event, our winery in Mallorca had the opportunity to exchange experiences with international producers and wineries, as well as serving those curious about the production of wines and spirits in Mallorca.

It was without a doubt an unforgettable experience. Thank you!